Now you had the ability to steal The Flash's powers and I would love to know how you did that.


Subject has made a great leap forward, causing me to revise my initial thesis. I thought...I thought his attachment to people was a distraction, now I realize the opposite is true. Barry's attachment to people, the people he cares about, is actually key to getting him up to speed.


The Flash: I promise I'll never be late again.
Iris: My best friend is always saying that and he is always late.
The Flash: You're worth being on time for.

Barry: So why do you do what you do? Why get up in the morning?
Harrison: Because I believe in a better future. One that I very much want to see. One that you are a part of. I might not very much care for people, Barry, but I care for you.

Cisco: We could have called him Blackout.
Harrison: He had a name, Cisco.

I forgot. Your game's chess. We're all just pawns to you, right? So what's your move, Doctor? Which one of us gets sacrificed next?


Listen to me. Of everything I've done in my life, of everything I have invented, my most important is The Flash! Barry Allen must have a future. Now go. Go!


I'm not the best version of me. I love being The Flash. I love everything about it. The feeling of running hundreds of miles per hour. Wind and power just rushing past my face. Being able to help people. I'm not sure I can live without it Caitlin.


Caitlin: You can't just lose your powers. Your DNA was transformed by the particle accelerator blast, OK? There's no way to un-transform DNA.
Barry: Tell that to the Uber driver that charged me sixty five bucks to take me here. I had to tell her I was coming from a cosplay party.

Easy there Zappy!

The Flash

I need more speed. Speed is the key to progress. I need you to kick it up a notch.
