Look Iris, I'm barely hanging on. I can't catch my breath. I'm getting dizzy. My feet are numb. My fingers tingle. It feels like with every step I take I'm getting ripped in two. All I can think about is if I'll be fast enough tomorrow to save another life.


Singh: Joe West is out of the way as requested. Success is assured.
Eva: Good. If anyone's going to make my husband pay for what he did, it's going to be me.

Lady: How do you two know each other? Are you married?
Ralph and Sue: Gross.

Carver: It even sounds like you're saying I hired someone to pop out of a box to assassinate you.
Joe: I didn't say that Rag Doll popped out of a box.
Carver: Damn. And I was doing so well.

Cisco: I'm not sure you know how hacking works.
Ralph: Please. I've seen You've Got Mail several times.

The Flash Season 6 Episode 16 Quotes

Carver: It even sounds like you're saying I hired someone to pop out of a box to assassinate you.
Joe: I didn't say that Rag Doll popped out of a box.
Carver: Damn. And I was doing so well.

Cisco: I'm not sure you know how hacking works.
Ralph: Please. I've seen You've Got Mail several times.