You make it a habit of interfering with federal government business?

Agent Jordan

Noah: It's just that with the hair, the clothes, and the attitude, it's like, where did Jude go?
Jude: If that's how you feel then why don't you break up with me?
Noah: I think that's the best idea you've had in a long time.

Stef: Honestly, Grey, it doesn't bother you that you let a child molester on the street?
Grey: It would have bothered me more to leave a murderer on the street

Lena: If someone would have told me that day I picked you up outside of juvie, that this where you would end up...
Stef: You're a fighter. You always have been, and now that you've started fighting for yourself, look at what happened?
Callie: Um, you told me when I first got here, you said that I wasn't disposable. That meant so much, but what means even more, is how you made me feel that way every day since. I live you moms.

Aaron: As much as I care about you, I think I need to see where things go with her.
Callie: I can see why. She's pretty great.
Aaron: So are you, Callie. Don't forget that.

Brandon: I hope that she knew how much I loved her.
Callie: Of course, she did.
Brandon: What makes you so sure?
Callie: Because I've been loved by you, Brandon, and it's a pretty powerful thing. Thank you for that.

My family is my world, and they have made this ride so joyful, and so beautiful, and so crazy, and messy, and perfect. So, thank you all. Thank you all so much for taking this journey with us all, and remember, it's not where you come from, it's where you belong, and no matter where this life takes you next, always know you have a home here at Anchor Beach.


I swear, it's like they need you more in their twenties.


Eliza and I are engaged.


It's social worker Bill. He has a kid who needs a home. What should I tell him?


The Fosters Season 5 Episode 19 Quotes

Stef: I got this B. It's not your job to take care of me.
Brandon: I don't think it's my job to take care of you.
Stef: Maybe not anymore, but you did when you were little.

ICE has been getting away with a lot these days.
