Shaun: The light blue is very -
Lea: Heteronormative.
Shaun: I was going to say pastel, but that too.

Lim: I love you. And I love us.
Clay: Always good to hear.
Lim: And I have decided I want to move forward, at the pace at which I'm learning to walk. Clay Porter, will you move in with me?

Park: I know you'll be an amazing mom because you're great at whatever you put your mind to. I'm conflicted because I won't be part of it.
Morgan: Making my IVF journey about you is uncharacteristically self-absorbed. I'm impressed

I have something for you. My faith. Not just my faith in God but also my faith in this surgery and in you and Shaun and that this baby, whatever it is, will be okay.


Lim: Are you unproposing?
Clay: No. I am unpressuring. I love you and I'm not going anywhere. When you are ready we will put this back on the table.

Shaun: You need to be monitored for several more days.
Lea: I can't do this for days on end, Shaun. I hate it here.
Shaun: You come here for work every day.
Lea: Not in this room, lying here, thinking about everything.

I trust you and if you think the surgery is the right call, I want it. On one condition. I want you in the OR. Not for me. But if something were to go wrong and we lose the baby I want you to be there for her or him.


Shaun: Due to Lea's previous surgery and her uterine scarring I put the chances of a uterine rupture at 65 percent.
Lim: It's Lea's body. It's her call.

Andrews: It's been three months. The man has the patience of a saint.
Lim: I'm recovering from major surgery and learning to walk again!
Andrews: Your recovery is amazing and is matched only by your procrastination.

The Good Doctor Season 6 Episode 10 Quotes

Shaun: Due to Lea's previous surgery and her uterine scarring I put the chances of a uterine rupture at 65 percent.
Lim: It's Lea's body. It's her call.

Andrews: It's been three months. The man has the patience of a saint.
Lim: I'm recovering from major surgery and learning to walk again!
Andrews: Your recovery is amazing and is matched only by your procrastination.