Asher: Last weekend, I found a ring box.
Jordan: Isn't that what you want?
Asher: It is, but I'm just not comfortable with the antiquated ritual.
Jordan: Antiquated ritual? You're marrying the man you love, not sacrificing a goat.

Shaun: Stop interrupting me.
Charlie: You were interrupting me.
Shaun: I am the attending. I have tried complimenting you but that didn't work and I have tried ignoring you but that didn't work either. However, I still have to teach you. Therefore you will go back to observing only. You will not bother me. You will not speak at all.

Glassman: Hey. I'm guessing you're not okay with this.
Lim: You sleeping with my my mom? My dad did it for years and we got along fine.

Charlie: I know that last time we worked together didn't go as well as it could have so I just want to say... at times like this I always quote Taylor Swift.
Shaun: Please don't.

Shaun: I missed Steve too. And it's very difficult because when I'm away from you, I miss you, but when I'm away from him I miss him.
Lea: I know it's difficult. But more people to miss means more people to love.

I'm sorry, this is not like old times. It's not just the tequila and music that have changed. Everything's changed. How I see the world, how I see you. One teeny tiny baby, and the whole world looks different.


I'm so sorry. I feel myself slipping. You have to put me in a nursing home.


Lim: There is a website that lists all clinical trials, including ones for hyperthyroidism. You could have gone to one 10 miles fro your house that would pay $500 more than us.
Lim's mother: That one doesn't come with a visit to my high-powered daughter.

Three months ago he was not the same person. And even now sometimes... but then he slips back in the fog. I miss him. And it breaks my heart how much he will miss. I'm pregnant.


He's tachycardic and warm. That's not consistent with an OD. I think he's having a stroke.


Morgan: It's been almost two months.
Park: We have the perfect excuse.
Morgan: People with kids have sex, right?

Glassman: Sure this elevator is big enough for the both of us?
Lim: I'm not sure this hospital is.

The Good Doctor Quotes

Aren’t we judged by how we treat people? I don’t mean as doctors. I mean as people. Especially those who don’t have the same advantages that we have. We hire Shaun and we give hope to those people with limitations that those limitations are not what they think they are. That they do have a shot! We hire Shaun and we make this hospital better for it. We hire Shaun and we are better people for it.

Dr. Aaron Glassman

I saw a lot of surgeons in medical school. You’re much better than them. I have a lot to learn from you. You’re very arrogant. Do you think that helps you be a good surgeon? Does it hurt you as a person? Is it worth it?

Dr. Shaun Murphy