Love that sweet face. She really is our amazing Grace.


Dylan: How about we start with some babysitting?
Claire: After yesterday, we realized that it really does take a village, and there's no better village than Middleton.
Martha: Ah! No!
Claire: I guess I really am a small-town girl, after all.

Daniel: A man does need his swagger.
Donovan: It would be a shame if yours went to waste.

Martha: Yoo hoo! Paging Dr. Radford!
Sam: Everything OK, Martha?
Martha: Do you have a sec?
Sam: If you walk with me.
Martha: Ooh. We're on the move, just like Grey's Anatomy!

Martha: I'm scheduling you for a physical.
Tom: No, Martha!
Martha: I don't think I've ever heard you string those two words together before.

Stephanie: Silver lining. I wouldn't have her if I had gone there.
Martha: Well, I for one couldn't imagine Middleton without the bistro.
Abigail: Can you imagine it without my flower shop?
Martha: I'm hoping that's a hypothetical.

Joy: Talk about deja vu.
Abigail: Show of hands. Who here thought we were done with the Merriwick mysteries?

Time spent with family is never a bust.


Abigail: You must be excited about tonight.
Dotty: Well, it is a rare occasion when the entire family gathers to break bread.
Abigail: Aren't you worried that your boys might break more than just bread?
Dotty: Oh, you'll see. When we all sit down, it will be as if nothing happened.
Abigail: Burying things doesn't fix them.
Dotty: And stirring this up isn't getting my table set.

George: She never told me what they were for except to say it was part of your journey. Except, the cat's already out of the bag.
Joy: But we don't know what the symbol has to do with the red-haloed moon.

Sam: Sorry about what happened with your birth mother.
Vincent: Sometimes it takes a wrong turn to get to the right place.
Sam: [chuckles] Somebody's been talking to my wife.

Cassie: Last night was pretty amazing.
Sam: Should we do it again tonight?
Cassie: I'm in. But, uh, we finished up all whipped cream.
Sam: Well, can't have banana splits without whipped cream, so I'll pick some up on my way home from the driving range.

Good Witch Quotes

Sam: So, when's the big day gonna be?
Cassie: Halloween.

Emma: I was really hoping that we could get here at the same time, but, well, you'd have to talk to our commanding officers about lining up our schedules.
Stephanie: I don't think I'm powerful enough to be listened to by the united states marines.
Emma: Yeah. I wish I knew someone who was.