You know, you can teach someone how to make a dress, Grace, but you can't teach them to create one.

Mrs. Hanson

You know, Dottie, I'm glad that you couldn't help yourself. Seeing all of this trivial self-importance on display made me realize I don't need awards and accolades to tell me what I already know. I'm happy with who I am, and I don't have to prove anything to anybody, least of all, you.


Abigail: Do you think he's really found a way to break the curse?
Cassie: I'm just worried that his curse has really found a way to break you.

You know, it's amazing how drawn we are to fleeting things. We want to capture them because we think that they may never come along again.


Sam: Everything OK?
Cassie: Yeah, I just can't shake this feeling that something's gonna happen.
Sam: Can you narrow that down a little?
Cassie: I wish I could.
Sam: Are we talking good thing or bad thing.
Cassie: Mmmm. Sorry.
Sam: It's something's meant to happen, it's gonna happen. And if it does, we'll take it on together.

Tom: I think this is the first time I've ever seen you speechless.
Martha: Oh, shoosh. Don't ruin it.
Tom: That didn't last long.

Sam: Only four more days of high school left. How's it feel?
Grace: My life is about to completely change.

Grace: It's hard to believe those were the last tests we'll ever take at Middleton High.
Nick: You're getting nostalgic over tests?
Sam: She's getting nostalgic over her big finish at high school.

Dottie: Donovan has been driving that thing for 15 years. He hasn't had an accident until now.
Abigail: It's not the curse.
Dottie: Do you have a better explanation?
Abigail: I have a logical explanation. It was an accident.
Dottie: We don't need any more accidents.
Abigail: It's a little too crowded for me here. I think I'll come back in the morning.
Dottie: I can tell how much you care about him. Please, stay away!

Cassie: Sometimes our earliest dreams are the best ones.
Sam: And sometimes they're just the random thoughts of a teenager.

Don't cheat them out of their happiness the way that you cheated me out of my homecoming glory!


Grace: So, why are you really going to my school?
Luke: Remember I said my aunt pays my tuition?
Grace: Yes.
Luke: My aunt is Dottie Davenport.
Grace: Donovan Davenport's mother.
Luke: She's worried about the Davenport/Merriwick curse. She sent me to find out everything I could about Abigail.
Grace: Wait. You were spying on my cousin?
Luke: I'm so sorry.
Grace: Is that why you went out with me?
Luke: No! No, of course not.
Grace: Yeah, I don't believe you.

Good Witch Season 5 Quotes

Sam: So you're going to get him to take college more seriously by promising not to talk about college.
Cassie: [nods]
Sam: Interesting strategy.
Cassie: You don't always need to talk to get someone to listen.

Cassie: Most people believe that the tree has been lost for the ages.
Sam: What do you believe?
Cassie: When the time is right that the Forever Tree will reveal itself.