I’m sorry. I just really loved doing magic. And I was good at it. Should have tasted my tomatoes. Just the air smelled different, right? And I could turn into a bird or make a rose bloom. And I saw actual Fillory. And I banged a werewolf! Yes, that is weird, but also rad because who gets to do that. And I wasn’t just some extremely average nobody. I was gifted. I didn’t just belong somewhere, I belonged anywhere because I was a magician.


Julia: Say you were to do it. Work your way through some pidley little Earth gods, find a way to talk to an actual old god--you’d say what? Hi! Please reconsider even though you are billion times smarter than I and more powerful. If you could please bring back magic, that would be great.
Quentin: I don’t know. I just figured it wouldn’t hurt to get a little closer and maybe meet someone who knew more than we do.
Julia: I hear you, Q, I do, I just--
Quentin: What?
Julia: I wouldn’t want what happened to me to happen to anyone else.

Irene: They believe that there’s got to be something out there. Somewhere. Mayakovsky, he was working on a battery--
Henry: We searched Brakebills South.
Irene: Still they feel the resources of this school would be best spent continuing to search for--
Henry: I cannot stop my students from searching, but we are a school, we still teach here. It is perhaps more important than ever. If they don’t learn it, I fear no one will ever again. Do you understand?
Irene: I fear that, too, but if you don’t find them something, the board is gonna close down Brakebills. You have to give them something, Henry. Quickly.

Julia: For the record, I’m still leaning towards fluke.
Quentin: So it’s a fluke. There’s still something that could lead us to something. We have got to keep chipping away at it, Jules.
Julia: Big words coming from the guy who was mostly chain smoking and binge watching Six Feet Under when he got here.
Quentin: You fired me up. You showed me that there’s a fight to fight. Now I’m the official sidekick to whatever it turns out you are, so get used to it.

Julia: What if this is like a smudge--like a fingerprint--left by OLU when she gave me back my shade, and she didn’t even realize? It’s like, oops, speck of magic!
Quentin: She’s a goddess. Does she seem like the accident type?
Julia: Have you met her son?

The Magicians Season 3 Episode 1 Quotes

Julia: For the record, I’m still leaning towards fluke.
Quentin: So it’s a fluke. There’s still something that could lead us to something. We have got to keep chipping away at it, Jules.
Julia: Big words coming from the guy who was mostly chain smoking and binge watching Six Feet Under when he got here.
Quentin: You fired me up. You showed me that there’s a fight to fight. Now I’m the official sidekick to whatever it turns out you are, so get used to it.

Julia: What if this is like a smudge--like a fingerprint--left by OLU when she gave me back my shade, and she didn’t even realize? It’s like, oops, speck of magic!
Quentin: She’s a goddess. Does she seem like the accident type?
Julia: Have you met her son?