My dearest Hope, I do not know how this will find you. As a child full of wonder, a teenager full of opinions, or a woman with the world at her feet. I write to tell you that I love and to explain that in our family's darkest hour I was called upon to save my siblings, so I did. Please do not mourn me. Whatever pain I endure I do so in service of those I love. My sole regret is that I will be away from you. Be good to your mother. I draw comfort knowing that she will protect you, and I know she will not rest until our family is united. Until then, my sacrifice will allow you to grow. To become a beautiful daughter I can now only imagine. Please remember that you are the legacy this family has always desired. The promise we fought to protect. You are and always will be our hope.


I was hoping you would be different, man, but I'm starting now to think you are just as dangerous as Klaus Mikaelson.

Vincent [to Marcel]

For Davina, Diego, Thierry, Gia, Cami, and the boy I used to be. The one you once called your son.

Marcel [to Klaus]

Rebekah: For Freya's plan to work I can't go mad and you can't die. What are the bloody odds of that?
Klaus: Wasn't it you who once said I could talk my way out of Hell?

Despite all that we've done, all those we've lost, we're still here. You're not alone.

Hayley [to Elijah]

It’s funny, you know. I missed out on the whole binge drinking thing in college, but guess I’m making up for with the drowning my sorrows thing.


Always and forever is just an excuse to do whatever the hell you want. Maybe it’s time someone put an end to that.


It seems you’re always willing to watch the world burn as long as you survive.

Marcel [to Klaus]

You destroyed somebody good today in order to save people who have had more than their share of lifetimes.

Vincent [to Freya]

You know, I thought I told Camille everything, every moment that mattered from my past and yet in the mere hours since she died I've thought of a thousand things I forgot to say.


Maybe death does something to us. Twists us all up into something ugly.


You know sometimes I can't stand him, but I always figured if he liked you he couldn't be that bad. This family owes you. You deserved better.


The Originals Season 3 Quotes

Always and forever indeed.


Freya: She's getting bigger by the second.
Elijah: Thank you for all of your care.
Freya: Tomorrow's the full moon. I can help her bring you to Haley if you like?