Rick: Asking us to leave. You need to reconsider. If you saw how it is out there, you wouldn't ask. You're a man of belief. If you believe anything, believe that.
Hershel: You're putting me on the spot.
Rick: Well, I mean to.

There is nothing easy about taking a man's life no matter how little value it may have. But when you get it done, you have to forget it. I guess I haven't quite got that last part down.


Good thing we didn't do anything stupid like shoot it.


Are you putting them away?


I believe this one bloomed for your little girl.


Maggie: You got a girlfriend I don't know about?
Glenn: Me? No. No.
Maggie: Then you're a pretty confident guy.
Glenn: No. No. No. No. I wasn't... I would never...
Maggie: Is there something wrong with me?
Glenn: No. I, uh... I would never have sex, uh, I'm lost.

Lori: You're completely in over your head aren't you?
Hershel: Ma'am, aren't we all?

Lori: You are a doctor?
Hershel: Yes, ma'am of course. A vet.
Lori: A veteran? A combat vet?
Hershel: A veterinarian.

Rick: There is no cure.
Hershel: I don't believe it.

I'm the one black guy. You realize how precarious that makes my situation?


I'm responsible. I ain't gonna sit here while this fella takes this on alone.


It's a waste of time all this hoping and praying.


The Walking Dead Season 2 Quotes

Please, Lord, punish me however you want, but show mercy on her.


Rick: I can't go back. Her being out here is my fault.
Shane: That's great. Now they've got you doubting yourself, huh?