Randall: You're right. Mom did favor me. She did. She showered me with attention. Took my side more often than not and I ate every bit of her love up. Ate it up like Pac Man. You know why? Because the one person I wanted it from the mo...You know, back there with those people, that was the one time in 36 years you said the words, "he's my brother."
Kevin: Come on, Randall. That can't be...
Randall: Claiming me. My brother.
Kevin: Well then, that really sucks.

Seth Myers: Kevin. Hey, Kevin. You alright man? Do you want me to call someone.
Kevin [actively scrapping in the street with Randall]: Oh. It's a. No. This is my brother.
Seth Myers: Oh. Hey, man.
Randall: Hey Seth Myers.

Kevin: What does that mean?
Randall: It means you treated me like a dog. And just like a dog, I kept coming back again and again, just hoping for a scrap from you. Like a crumb of affection or kindness. Or respect.
Kevin: Respect? Oh, you wanted my respect?!
Randall: Yeah.
Kevin: Oh, OK. No, you wanted to show me up, Randall. Which is what you did every single chance you got! You showed me up!

Randall: What are you harboring? Because God knows I would really love to hear this.
Kevin: You always got special treatment.
Randall: Because I'm black?
Kevin: No, because you're black and you're adopted.
Randall: Oh, yeah. Hit the jackpot with that combination. Couldn't have had it any easier.
Kevin: In our house you did. With our mother, you did.

That is great. Replaced by another black man.


Randall: It's Miguel's gout.
Kevin: Really? I didn't know they made gout anymore.

This Is Us Season 1 Episode 7 Quotes

That is great. Replaced by another black man.


Randall: It's Miguel's gout.
Kevin: Really? I didn't know they made gout anymore.