Now I want you to picture the love of your life. Imagine that you have 30 seconds to win her back. One shot, three sentences. What are those sentences, and who are you saying them to?


A romantic gesture of this magnitude is only effective if it is directed at the love of your life, alright? The end of Notting Hill completely falls apart if Hugh Grant thinks that Julia Roberts is just aight. Then he's just kind of annoying her at a press conference, right?


Toby: See those two women? They look like Westworld hosts.
Kevin: Not interested. Whatever conversation I'd have with those girls, I guarantee I've had it billion times before.

What? Are you serious? I call to get help and I gotta end up doing something nice?


Jack: Hey Bec?
Rebecca: Yeah?
Jack: What if we had another kid?

I can't believe we're not going to play Pin the Tail on the Donkey this year. We're probably never going to play it again, huh?


Doc: Kate, have you ever considered an immersive weight loss experience?
Kate [sighs]: A fat camp?!

OK. Get 'em a dog. And then get 'em a new mommy to walk it.


This Is Us Season 1 Episode 13 Quotes

Doc: Kate, have you ever considered an immersive weight loss experience?
Kate [sighs]: A fat camp?!

OK. Get 'em a dog. And then get 'em a new mommy to walk it.
