Nicky: It just doesn't sit with me. My brother cuts me out of his life and replaces me with you and then you just swoop in and marry his wife.
Miguel: Swooped in? I married Rebecca thirteen years after Jack died. And if you're wondering every day if I spend time thinking about what Jack would have thought about that, the answer is yes. There is only one person I owe an explanation to and that's the one person I can never give one to. I certainly don't owe one to you.

Beth: Mom, do you know the difference between agender and bigender?
Carol: Bethany. Relax. Alex is a teenager, not the gender police. And yes, I do. I am a woman of these times.

Jack: Rebecca. Our first date was a disaster. I could barely afford to pay for dinner, never mind the 2 bucks for the tickets to the carnival.
Miguel: She was there. You don't need to tell her all that.
Jack: Okay fine. For some reason, at the end of the night you kissed me. And right then and there that I would spend the rest of my life making sure you never had to stand out in the rain again.

Kate: Thank you for being such a trooper on this whole transition.
Toby: Thanks for the euphemism, but I prefer to think of it as forced early retirement with benefits.

Wedding Planner: Who's handling the rehearsal dinner?
Kevin: That would be my mom and Miguel.
Nicky: Miguel. That would be the guy who's banging my brother's wife, right?

I was never invited to a wedding. Crashed one once though.


Jack: I need this to be perfect.
Miguel: Jack. You're recreating every moment of your first date with Rebecca. It's the kind of grand romantic gesture that makes other guys hate you.

I jotted down some things for you. No great words of wisdom but when you're an old man and you're looking out the plane window, you think about all the mistakes you make in life. I lived alone, every day same routine for 50 years. But then I got an invitation to meet you two, and you know what it got me thinking about? It got me thinking about the moon and July 20, 1969. I watched a man walk on the moon. One day, we'd never been to the moon. It was impossible to fathom even walking on it. And the next day we're walking on it. The impossible became possible just like that. For 50 years, I lived in a trailer, a trailer that went nowhere. Whatever the opposite is of an astronaut, that's what I became. And then I got that invitation in the mail for a Zoom, whatever the hell that is, but an invitation to meet my great-nephew and my great-niece. My big brother's grandchildren. I went a really long time, and I've been stuck. Anything good that would ever happen to me, it just seemed impossible. But here I am. I made it. You two are my moon.


Nicky. You have hated yourself for so long and now you have all this love coming at you and it's weird and it makes you want to go AWOL.


I can't believe I was your age sitting her listening to the radio with my old man when Roosevelt came on and said Pearl Harbor had been bombed. Things change. Now I'm the old man sitting with my son watching three men come back from the moon.

Nicky's father

Jack: Sir, I want to ask your advice about something. There's this girl I want to propose to.
Lt. Sheenan: You're afraid she's gonna say no? You're not that ugly, Pearson.

Nicky: You want to pack up and move to California for good?
Sally: What does that mean, for good? My grandma Pearl used to say, 'sweetie, you can do whatever you want with your life or you can do nothing.'

This Is Us Quotes

Rebecca: Do you have a dream? Sorry is that a stupid question?
Jack: No. It's just no ones really ever asked me that before. Right now I just want to make sure that my mom is okay. Get her settled at her friend's place, and then I don't know. A decent job, a wife, a family, a house that feels nothing like the house I grew up in. Is that a stupid answer?

Listen to me. Yes, when you made starring quarterback I was psyched cause I was excited to watch you take off. But Kevin, football is not the only thing that you have. You understand?
