Rebecca: I want today to be perfect for you in every way that you've ever dreamed about. And I know that sometimes I can make you, you know, so I just want to stay out of your way, okay?
Kate: Mom, I know that our stuff, it can be complicated, sometimes, but it's because all that I've ever wanted was to be like you. I want to be a singer like you, I want to be a mom like you, I want to have a marriage like yours. Mom you are not in my way, you are my way.

This is a disaster Randall. This is huge. We lost the bride on the wedding day. That's like the number one don't for wedding coordinators.


Randall: Oh man, she's crazy.
Kevin: Yeah man, don't let me sleep with her.

Beth: Man, she's mean.
Randall: I miss Deja classic. No, Deja classic was when we first met her and she was all quiet and sully. I miss Deja 2.0 when she was all used to us and sweet and she told me all my jokes were corny but secretly she liked 'em.

Hope you're enjoying your last day as my fiancee because by this time tomorrow you're going to be my straight-up wife.


The next time you find a bed that feels a little safe, don't blow it.


We'll get it right this time Deja.


Deja: Oh my god, you're still so corny.
Randall: Like I'm on a cob, baby.

Do you know how many beds I've slept in? I don't. Cause by the year I turned nine I lost count. At least he only hit. We could have stayed in those beds for years. Now, we'll get separated. It's like a storm once it starts Deja, bed after bed after bed. Before, at least we had each other. At least we weren't alone.


I don't need anniversaries to see you. I see you every day. You are my daily meteor shower.


Kate: You found me.
Randall: Wasn't very hard. Only person still drinking Cosmos in 2018.
Kate: Carrie Bradshaw — that girl is timeless and so are her favorite cocktails.

Oh no-no-no. The Brothers Pearson are all mine this weekend. I got one scoop of dark chocolate Pearson, and one scoop of creamy vanilla Pearson and I'm gonna be the ruddy strawberry that brings it all together, baby.


This Is Us Season 2 Quotes

I'm a 37-year-old woman. And I shouldn't need to be pushed or coddled. Not by a man, not by my husband, not by my brother, not by anyone!


I said no. But your father was so sure I was tired and I was grieving and he just kept pushing me. He was so determined that you were meant to be. Meant to be ours. Sometimes, in marriage, someone has to be the one to push to make the big moves. And oftetimes in our marriage, yes, it was your father. Our marriage wasn't perfect, it's true, but none are. And your father wasn't perfect either, but he was pretty damn close. As close as they come. He pushed a stranger on me, and the stranger became my child and that child became my life. He became you."
