Camille: You sure you can't come with? Stay with Mom and Dad for a bit?
Mags: No, you can't really think that would be good for my health.

Bash: You're right. It did get personal.
Esfahani: I know it did, Bashir.
Bash: So, do you think you could help me?

Bash: I was asleep, OK. Her rhythm jumped up and I didn't hear it in time.
Theo: What would you have done? Call the nurse a split-second before the monitor?
Bash; If I'd been awake ...
Theo: Bash, Bash. Get a grip, man.

Nick: We met a year ago today. Skydiving. One of those singles excurisons.
Diana: Talking about falling into a relationship.

June: Bash. What the hell was that?
Bash: Instinct?

  • Permalink: Instinct?
  • Added:

Do I need to be here for this? Because you're arguing with yourself.

Bash [to Mags]

June: Am I really becoming that much of a tyrant?
Mags: Have you met Bash? He feels like he can't tell anyone anything.

Hey. I am not hating this lumberjack look on you. Seriously.

Mags [to Bash]

Olsen: Then why'd you sign off?
Devi: I need to win hearts and minds. Both inside my department and out.

Theo: This thing with Bash, how are you managing to fit him into your usual metric of giving 200 percent?
Mags: By downgrading to a 75-75 split?
Theo: You? As if.

Meet at the place by the thing in an hour?

Mags [to Bash]

Devi: Gave everyone a chance to talk about me behind my back?
Singh: General consensus is they don't know what to make of you.

Transplant Quotes

Bashir: Thanks for that. He's taking everything I say the wrong way.
Magalie: What does he think you did?
Bashir: At this point, maybe planning 9/11....but I didn't

Uncle: You're a hero
Bashir: People in this country might not agree.