All violence brings is more violence.


I wanted to believe you. I wanted us to be different. Not like your father. This is not how it was supposed to be for us. I wanted to be loved by my people. I wanted to be a mother of a country. Now look what you did! We can never make it right, we can never put it back, Jamal.


How can you be sorry and guilty at the same time? Tell me, because I am curious. Or does repeating a lie often enough make it the truth, even to you?


Ahmed: If you had gassed them, just so you know, I would have said it was the right thing to do. It's what I would have done. After what they did yesterday, I think they deserved it.
Jamal: We don't gloat, Ahmed. Not over the death of innocents. Not even when they are the enemy.

I feel like I can deal with the details of life, I can get things done, but, the emotional stuff? I'm just having a hard time figuring that out.


Tyrant Season 2 Episode 3 Quotes

I wanted to believe you. I wanted us to be different. Not like your father. This is not how it was supposed to be for us. I wanted to be loved by my people. I wanted to be a mother of a country. Now look what you did! We can never make it right, we can never put it back, Jamal.


All violence brings is more violence.
