Amanda: I'm actually kinda bummed that Mr Meade isn't my father, he is rich and bald
Marc: Your Daddy Warbucks fantasy
Amanda: I don't know why it's so strong

Wilhelmina: Someone has to teach you how to be a woman again..
Alexis: It's so frustrating.. it's like I finally got the sports car I always wanted but I forgot how to drive the stick.. only in this case it's automatic

Gio: Alright everybody, that's it for me.. but before I go..that's no such thing as fat free mayo.. there's 125 calories of pure fat per tablespoon.. and I put two in each sandwich
[everyone puking]
Gio: See you around!

Betty: So, you're new. What happened to Robert?
Gio: I think he inherited money... or got arrested. I don't know what happened. There was a lawyer and cash involved.

Oh how humiliating.. my closest friends are going to be there tonight.. can you imagine how happy they'll be?


Gio: I knew you were an eater
Betty: Oh thank you, I guess

Gio [to Mode random]: Ok, "chicken and cheese special" on a baguette, no cheese, no chicken, no baguette
Gio [to Betty]: I just sold her a plate of lettuce for 7 bucks!
Betty: Yes, but that's for breakfast, lunch and dinner, so really it's a bargain!

Betty: Oh yay the sandwich guy!! I got too excited didn't I?
Christina: Yeah

Hilda: Sorry we couldn't take your shoes off before you went to bed but we could not untie those double knots
Henry: I get nervous about tripping

Daniel, no, I have unresolved issues with you so just squeeze a boob and I have to go


Amanda: Those are the DNA results.
Daniel: So.. um, how many times you think we...
Amanda: A lot.. But just remember, if your dad's DNA does match mine, we're only half brother and sister, which means if we did it like twenty times, it was only wrong ten.
Daniel: Okay, that actually made sense to me...Oh my god, you are so my sister!

The whole world is telling us we should not be not together, we're like melon and apricot


Ugly Betty Season 2 Quotes

You see this gray hair? This one is called "Santos almost died." I'm not willing to risk another one, so just sit back, relax.


Betty: You want some cereal... shoot I forgot to get the cereal.. which okay because we don't have any milk
Justin: Don't worry about it, we're making macaroni necklaces today, I'll just eat that