Tommy: So it's called "Don't Get Bombed." It's the perfect combo of physical and mental. The guys are gonna have to bring their a-games.
QUINN: Congratulations. You managed to squeeze three sports clichés into one statement.

Madison: Sorry, it's crazy over here right now, but I needed to warn you. Jay was here, and he made a complaint to Fiona. Like an official one, about a rape.
Tommy: What? Oh, my God.
Madison: I know. Like, what is going on? How could this show possibly have another "R"?

Here's our proposal. We will pay for Roger's mangled dick, and your wife will never find out about this.


I mean, where'd we get this from, the set of Downton Abbey?


This is not who you are, Rachel. All the terrible things that have happened in your life, you can dye your hair any color you want, but there is a conscience in there, and you cannot shove it down forever.


Fiona: Rachel is out of control, and you know it.
Quinn: So fire her.
Fiona: That's what this whole thing's been about, right? You sending Jay to me so I'd do it for you? Because you're too chicken-shit to pull the trigger yourself. She learned her bag of tricks from you. You created this. So, if you feel like she crossed a line, fire her.

Welcome. Don't forget your cards. Winner gets their tab picked up. And you have to drink every time Graham says "Everlasting."


Quinn: You nannyed for Sheryl Sandberg?
Nanny: How do you think she had all that time to "Lean In"?
Quinn: You're hired!

I mean, this is amazing. You came to us as a straight contestant in search of love and now you're a gay therapist in search of crazy people. I am so proud.


Quinn: This was our whole episode, your whole season. We have been building to this since day one, so what the hell happened, Rachel?
Rachel: You think I don't know that? I busted my ass for this moment and I am not gonna let some weak, damaged pussy take it away from me, okay? This is my moment! This is mine!

Thank you so much for your time. Please get an Everlasting water bottle from Graham on your way out.


Graham: I will, of course, take the sex-press lane.
Quinn: Ugh, that's disgusting.

UnREAL Quotes

Welcome back to reality, Rachel.


8 weeks if you're lucky, one night if not.
