Reagan: I can't drink, I can't exercise, sex has become borderline repulsive. Oh because of me not because of you baby. You look great.
Chris: Thanks, you don't think I'm too brown-
Reagan: OK that's enough.

Reagan: She's not crawling now, so what, in ten years she's not going to graduate from high school!
Chris: Because she'll be ten.

I was just like Jack Nicholson in that movie, You Can't Handle The Truth.


Kayla's Mom: Overcompensating a little?
Reagan: If by overcompensating you mean being the best parent since Claire Huxtable? Uh yeah!
Kayla's Mom: That's a fictional character.
Reagan: You're a fictional character!

That's right, real gentle wrists guys. Just waft it.


All the best Amy, I love what you've done with your hair.


Men dressed as women? No way!


Reagan: Honey I think Pete just shape shifted into a bird.
Chris: That's totally Pete.

Sweet Valley High is not gravitas Missy.


Tutti went to Pepperdine what?


I'm in a magazine? Is it Stars- They're Just Like Us? Am I feeding the meter or drinking out of a cup?


Is that Suzanne Somers from American Graffiti? Or is that a mob boss's wife? Clearly that girl has her own fragrance line.


Up All Night Season 1 Quotes

Who knows, maybe I'll get the old Nordic Track out.


Reagan: Stop saying baby in there, like there's a baby hiding in the closet with a knife or something.
Chris: Why are we whispering?