Dr. Orpheus: What the hell is this thing made of?
Dr. Venture: Nothing.
Dr. Orpheus: Come on...
Dr. Venture: All right, fine, I might have used a few unorthodox parts.
Dr. Orpheus: Just tell me one...
Dr. Venture: An...orphan.
Dr. Orpheus: A what?
Dr. Venture: An orphan?
Dr. Orpheus: Did you say, "an orphan?!"
Dr. Venture: Yeah, a little...orphan boy.
Dr. Orpheus: It's powered by a forsaken child?!?
Dr. Venture: Might be, kind of. I didn't use the whole thing!

Dr. Venture: Dean what the hell are you doing in there? I need to take a shower!
Dean: I'm practicing being a boyfriend, Pop!
Dr. Venture: Never mind, Dean!

Dr. Venture: Well, that ought to take care of that . . .
Hank: Look! Brock still ain't done with him. [Brock pisses on the mummy] That's showing him who's boss, Brocko!
Dr. Venture: Was that really necessary?
Brock: You have to defile a mummy completely or they come back to life. You know that

Tom, it's your wife, sweetie. You're dead now... it's time to go

Mrs. Tom

Brock: You get the boys... I'll take care of these guys...
Dr. Venture: Are you sure? There's an awful lot of them.
Brock: They hit me with a truck..

Dr. Venture: Wait a minute, are you a hallucination?
Brock: Afraid not, Doc.
Dr. Venture: What, did you miss me? What the hell are you doing here?
Brock: Hank's a bomb...long story

So you see, by applying the basic principles of the scientific method to the matter, we learn very quickly that the myth of the chupacabra is just that - utter crap. Now, if you apply the same principles to Catholicism, an interesting thing occurs...

Dr. Venture

Triana: Who's that big guy who's always washing his car in front of your place?
Dean: Oh, that's Brock. He's my dad's bodyguard. One time, I saw him kill a guy with a sock full of party snaps!
Triana: Did the guy's head get blown off?
Dean: Yes it did

Dean: Will you two stop it!
Sgt. Hatred: When the going gets tough, that boy always gets going

Dr. Venture: Hmm, how you fit a stairway behind this bookcase, I'll never figure out. Heey, if I pull this candle down, will it...?
Dr. Orpheus: ...get wax on my carpet? Yes

Hank: Smooth move. She was all over you!
Dean: Ya think?
Hank: No

Hank: I have it figured out that if I can just skim Pop's belt buckle, the bullet will ricochet off it and kill the guy with the gun.
Sgt. Hatred: Hank, I will give you so much money to not shoot your dad

Venture Bros. Quotes

Hank: You are not the boss of me
Sgt Hatred: Au contraire, I am tony danza to your spunky Alyssa Milano. I am full on Charles In Charge of you

Hank: Is it just me or does every Nazi want to clone Hitler? It's like the only they think about
Srgt. Hatred: It seems that way, right. I guess when everyone hates you, you just fixate on making rotten Hitlers