Man: Excuse me, sir? I didn't want to intrude, but I just had to say that I am such an admirer of yours. Your foundation literally saved my sister's life.
Man in Black: One more word and I'll cut your throat, understand? This is my fucking vacation.

Logan: If you're so concerned about her well-being, then I'll just blow her brains out and the park will come get her.
William: Hey, hey. Can you please just top trying to kill or fuck everything?

The hosts don't imagine things, you do. That's not Orion. There are three stars in Orion's belt, not four.


Clementine: Penny for your thoughts.
Maeve: Ever had something on the tip of your tongue and no matter how much you try to recall it, it slips away?
Clementine: Most things touch the tip of my tongue I'm happy to forget.

William: She was terrified.
Logan: That's why they exist! So you can feel...THIS.

There aren't two versions of me. There's only one. And I think when I discover who I am, I'll be free.


Bernard's Wife: Oh. These talk. I don't know if they help or hurt. Do you ever wish you could forget?
Bernard: This pain. It's all that I have left of him.

He doesn't get cold. He doesn't feel ashamed. He doesn't feel a solitary thing that we haven't told him to. Understand?


Teddy: There's a girl. Dolores. Better than I deserve. But maybe, someday soon, we'll have the life we both been dreamin' of.
Ford: No. You never will. Your job is not to protect Dolores. Your job is to keep her here, so guests can find her, if they want to, best the stalwart gunslinger, and have their way with his girl. Tell me, has it ever occurred to you to run off with her?
Teddy: I got some reckoning to do before I can be with her.
Ford: Ah yes. Your mysterious backstory. It's the reason for my visit. Do you know why it's a mystery, Teddy? Because we never bothered to give you one, just a formless guilt you never atoned for. But perhaps it is time you had a worthy origin story.

I guess people want to read about the things they want the most and experience the least.


Dreams are mainly memories. Can you imagine how fucked we'd be if these poor assholes ever remembered what the guests do to them?


Theresa: You're certainly a man comfortable with long, pensive silences. Although, ironically, your creations never shut up, even when there are no guests around.
Bernard: They're always trying to error correct, make themselves more human. When they talk to each other, it's a way of practicing.
Theresa: Is that what you're doing now? Practicing?

Westworld Quotes

The newcomers are just looking for the same thing we are, a place to be free, to stake out our dreams, a place with unlimited possibilities.


Some people choose to see the ugliness in this world, the disarray. I choose to see the beauty. To believe there is an order to our days. A purpose.
