Laura! Don't touch the fucking corn pops!


Dad is not here! You're stuck with me!


We celebrate the absence of fear. We embody it.


Sam: I was an artist, kind of, but not this.
Blackwell: What kind of an artist?
Sam: The struggling kind.

Did I give you the impression that we're friends?


You're angry. I don't blame you. I know what it's like to wake up in a life you didn't ask for.


Yorick: I was doing a trick.
JR: A trick?
Yorick: Yeah, I'm an escape artist.
JR: Is that a joke?
Yorick: Jokes are funny.

If you shed even half a tear, your boys would have to split it.


I'm not cursed with a Y chromosome, but I'm cursed in plenty of other ways.


Agent 355: Stop putting those dumbass ideas in his head.
Dr. Mann: Oh, please. He has dumbass ideas all by himself.

I would be worried, but now you've got that shoelace.

Dr. Mann

You said he was a beta boy who did magic tricks.


Y: The Last Man Quotes

I think it's going to get worse -- maybe a lot -- before it gets better.

President Brown

President Campbell: I like you, Jennifer. I want us to be friends again.
Jennifer: We will be, in about two and a half years.