Dariela: I'm the only side of beef you need.
Reece: Excuse me?
Dariela: I'm pregnant. The animals are drawn to me.

Jamie: You know, when we can manage to be...civil...we still make a pretty good team.
Mitch: Yeah, but where's the fun in that?

Mitch: Nice going.
Jamie: Yeah, I wish I could say the same, you panicked and almost pulled me too soon.
Mitch: Yeah, well, you already gave a toe for this team. I figured giving an arm or a head would just be showing off.

Jackson: Abe, you're going to be a father.
Abe: Yes, if we can manage not to get shot out of the sky, I guess I am. You have a father again.
Jackson: Yes, if we can manage not to get shot out of the sky, I guess I do.

Not every family knows how to share their truth. It doesn't make their love a lie.


Jamie: OK. I've got to get all the way back into the elevator, jam the key and then get back out before it cuts me in half.
Mitch: Sounds good. I'll watch.

I killed mom because of you, because you turned her into something horrible.


Dariela: Sometimes it's hard to find just the right moment to share a secret.
Abe: Keeping secrets are just another type of lie. That's not the way you treat someone you love.
Dariela: Right. Coffee?

Nobody who ever saved the world needed to wear a tie.


Allison: Pregnancy is rough, even under the best conditions, and you're going to spend the next nine months with a target on your back?
Dariela: I guess that gives me a damn good incentive to fight for the future. Everything happens for a reason, right?

Abe: Who keeps a pet in the middle of an animal apocalypse?
Mitch: A 70-year-old broad with no life.

Mitch: Do you want to take downstairs?
Abe: Do you think it's wise to split up?
Mitch: Not at all. But if Jackson is here, I don't want to be close by when he sees you.

Zoo Season 2 Quotes

Alright. If I won all of you in a raffle, I'd probably give you back to the guy who won second place. Although, he probably woundn't want you either. Nor would he want me, because I've been behaving like an irrational five-year-old. As to why we're being raffled off in the first place, I can't really...look. What I'm trying to say is we don't get to choose our families. For better for worse, we're pretty much family now. We've got work to do, so let's do it.


Jackson: The mutation isn't contagious, OK. It can't spread to humans. We know that.
Chloe: Maybe we don't know as much as we thought.