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Rosewood Season 1 Episode 22 Review: Badges & Bombshells

Critic's Rating: 3.9 / 5.0

There were a lot of twists and unexpected turns on Rosewood Season 1 Episode 22.

While many of us thought we'd be able to predict the ending, we were totally wrong.

Things between Villa and Rosie seemed to get interesting during the banquet. The duo were hot and steamy on the dance floor and acted as if they were the only two people in the room.

Obviously, Rosewood felt a certain way about Villa after he daydreamed that whole sex scene after leaving the dance floor.

Rosewood: Are you free Saturday?

Villa: I can be.

🔗 permalink: I can be.

Rosewood finally got the courage to ask Villa out on a date and she accepted his offer. After confirming their date night, things got a little weird.

Villa kept trying to make it seem like their date night wasn't actually a 'date.' She even invited Hornstock and Daisey to make the whole thing a family gathering. 

Rosewood: Nothing is keeping me away from my date with you tomorrow night.

Villa: No, I can’t risk it.

Rosewood: So it is a date?

Villa: Damn right it is!

🔗 permalink: Damn right it is!

This was Villa's first time actually being into a guy since Eddie. Yeah, she dated Mike for a little bit, but that ended quickly when Mike realized he couldn't compete with Villa's feelings for Rosewood. Villa was afraid of finally finding happiness that wasn't with Eddie.

Daisey: He knows that your life didn’t end with his. Finally you’re moving on with someone who is worthy of you.

🔗 permalink: He knows that your life didn’t end with his. Finally you’re moving on with someone who is…

It wasn't until Daisey gave Villa some reassurance that she deserved happiness and to give Rosewood a chance that she felt free to do so.

That bliss of happiness ended quickly when Rosewood took it upon himself to do an investigation on Eddie's death, unbeknownst to Villa.

Rosewood: I don’t think Eddie died of natural causes. I think he was murdered.

Villa: I’m sorry, what?

🔗 permalink: I think he was murdered

Rosewood decided to use his connections to discover what really happened with Eddie's death. He decided to reveal what he knew while on his date with Villa. This had to be a tough decision for Rosewood. He went behind Villa's back to find information about her husband's death. Either way the results would've went, Villa was going to be pissed and rightfully so.

Villa thought she was going to find happiness again with Rosewood. For once, she decided to let her guard down and open up her heart. Throughout Rosewood Season 1, Villa tried coping with Eddie's death. The news she received from Rosewood made those feelings resurface.

Villa: Thank you for saving me from you. I deserve to be with someone who sees me as worthy. I need you to get out of my life.

🔗 permalink: Thank you for saving me from you. I deserve to be with someone who sees me as worthy. I need…

I honestly felt that Rosewood wholeheartedly cared about Villa. He just couldn't, for once, not try to fix a situation. Rosewood truly just wanted to give Villa closure regarding Eddie. Now that Villa wants Rosewood out of her life, what will happen to our dynamic duo?

TMI: All I see is a girl that’s scared and doesn’t know who she is, so she clings to somebody that does.

🔗 permalink: All I see is a girl that’s scared and doesn’t know who she is, so she clings to somebody that…

Speaking of dynamic duos, what's going on with Pippy and TMI? That semi-kiss between TMI and Mitchie made TMI think about a few things. TMI was disowned by both her friends and family when she reveled her sexuality. The only people she truly had by her side were Pippy and the rest of the Rosewood family.

TMI has lost her identity, who she is as an individual. She needs to find herself and figure out what exactly she wants out of life. Once that happens, hopefully she and Pippy can reunite.

After all, what's Magic City Lab without both Pippy and TMI? 

Hornstock: After you read this, y’all will want these.

🔗 permalink: After you read this, y’all will want these.

Another bombshell was Hornstock turning in his badge. Being blackmailed really got under Hornstock's skin. It was probably for the best for Hornstock to tell the powers that be what happened in his past before anyone else did. With all the Rosewood drama, I can't see Villa taking the news of Hornstock leaving too lightly. He was her mentor and someone she trusted.

It just seems like everything in Miami is falling apart.

Donna: See you in a few days.

TMI: A few days?

Donna: I’m going on a road trip to Daytona to see my friend Gerald.

🔗 permalink: I’m going on a road trip to Daytona to see my friend Gerald.

In other news, we learned more about Donna's new mystery man. The shocking part is that he's an inmate. Now, how did Donna even come in contact with Gerald? What will her children think when they find out?

Donna seems to be happy she's found a new friend, regardless of the circumstances, though.

Do you think TMI and Pippy will eventually reunite? What will happen next with Villa and Rosewood? Will Hornstock be fired?

Don't forget you can watch Rosewood online until the next season starts this fall right here at TV Fanatic!

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