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Rosewood Season 2 Episode 8 Recap: Prosopagnosia and Parrot Fish

The death of food truck owner Ricky Dawson has everyone puzzled. Did Ricky have a list of

Ricky Dawson's death hits close to home for Capt. Slade, as they both are products of the group home, Saint Mels.

During the investigation of Ricky's death, the crew meets a guy named Ben. Since Ben suffers from a disease called, prosopagnosia, which causes facial blindness, it made it harder for him to identify the suspect.

Villa, Rosie, and Slade investigate those close to Ricky to discover who is responsible for Ricky's death. Little do they know, the real killer has had them fooled the entire time.

Rosie and Tanya are both feeling a little indifferent about their current living situation. Rosewood wants Tanya and Kayla to continue their stay at his home. Tanya on the other hand, thinks things are moving a bit too fast for her and Kayla.

Tanya and Kayla finally meet the Rosewood family.

The Gerald case is getting closer to being resolved. Everyone, especially Donna is rooting for Gerald's innocence. 

Rosie and Villa decided to exhume Elena's body, without her dad Carlos' consent to help prove Gerald is an innocent man. When it's time to exhume Elena's body from the grave, it's nowhere to be found.

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