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Roswell, New Mexico Season 4 Episode 10 Recap: Down In A Hole

Bonnie wakes up alone in the pocket dimension before finding Dallas. Dallas informs her that Theo built this dimension and left him a welcome hologram with instructions leading him somewhere.

Liz returns to work, despite the events of the fever dream. She confirms to Shivani that she's had enhanced cognitive abilities and wants to work on more research but that they need to gather more alien mist.

Isobel finds out from Tezca that Jones commissioned Theo to find a way home from Earth, and it's hidden inside the pocket dimension.

Kyle brings back a box from Careyes, and when in Michael's liar, it opens, and ship pieces attach to his console, almost making it complete.

Isobel pulls Tezca into a mindscape so she can face her fears by fighting Jones, but when flooded with the memories of all those she's killed, she ends the lesson.

Rosa helps Maria adjust to her new powers and suggests she feel where Alex, Bonnie, and Dallas are. She is then able to get a flash of Dallas and Bonnie at the Roswell sign.

Dallas and Bonnie uncover a box just like Kyle's hidden underneath the sand in the pocket dimension.

Max catches Liz stealing fluid from the pods. And later, she and Shivani inhale mist and work on a serum to bring a frog back from the dead, which succeeds.

Dallas and Bonnie travel to the barn, and Dallas finds a record with an alien symbol on it.

Maria and Rosa travel to the Roswell sign, and she gets another flash of Dallas and Bonnie.

Dallas and Bonnie find a portal, and the box is attracted to the stone mass near it. Meanwhile, on Earth, Maria is at the matching stone slab and triggers a wave that allows a flash of the other side of the portal.

Liz goes to Rosa to draw blood, as she needs it for her research, and Rosa calls her out for continuing to take the mist. She then goes to Max with her concerns, and he confronts Liz.

Tezca wants to atone by helping the children of those she's hurt. She also tells Isobel that there's a lock on the prototype Theo made to get them home, and it's stored in the pocket dimension.

Dallas taps the piece of alien glass that comes out of the box, and he and Michael communicate via morse code by tapping the pieces. And after speaking with Maria, they head to her location at the portal.

Liz breaks off her partnership with Shivani, while Max goes to Isobel and asks for help getting his powers back.

Michael puts the console on the stone slab, and the piece from the other dimension attaches to it, opening up the portal. Michael enters the pocket dimension to look for Alex along with Dallas and Bonnie. 

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