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Royal Pains Season 8 Episode 1 Review: Stranger Danger

Critic's Rating: 4.3 / 5.0

The HankMed crew was back in Royal Pains Season 8 Episode 1 and this final season leaves us with lots of questions.

Will Evan and Paige have a baby? Will Divya become a doctor?

Will Hank ever get a new car?

Yes, I know how much he loves that Saab, but that car must be close to 20 years old. Perhaps it’s time to move on.

But the biggest question will be whether or not Hank can break through his romantic paralysis. So far, it isn’t going well.

I just don’t feel any chemistry between him and nurse Jenn, so I really wasn’t upset when he tried to break things off with her, even if the reason about protecting her son was seriously lame. 

Hank: Life just keeps throwing us curve balls, doesn’t it? Curve balls filled with anxiety.

🔗 permalink: Life just keeps throwing us curve balls, doesn’t it? Curves balls filled with anxiety.

Hank needs to stop thinking so much. Perhaps if he concentrates on the rest of his life, love will find him when it’s ready. Let’s just hope it’s ready within the next seven episodes.

The biggest shocker of the hour wasn’t Eddie running out on his wedding – that was almost expected – but Divya being pregnant, again! 

I was hoping she’d move on from Raj after Royal Pains season 7, but instead it appears she went all in. So Raj has twins with his ex-wife, Divya has her daughter, and now the two of them are having a baby. Talk about instant family!

Divya’s determined to go to medical school to become a doctor, but that’s certainly going to be a challenge with so many little ones underfoot. Will she still be working for HankMed? I don’t think there’s enough hours in a day to get it all done.

Despite Eddie bailing on the affair, the wedding planning did give us a few good moments, such as this Royal Pains quote…

Divya: I’m not worried about finding something fancy. I am worried about finding something I can fit in to.

Evan: I actually have an old camping tent you can borrow if you like.

🔗 permalink: I actually have an old camping tent you can borrow if you like.

I do love how these characters have become family. During Royal Pains season 1, I thought that Divya and Evan had potential as a couple, but they are so much better as pseudo brother and sister. 

Besides, Evan and Paige are absolutely perfect together. This show needed a solid couple and they found them in these two. Even with their fertility challenges, they never fail to face them together with love and humor.

Evan: Me and my underdog sperm will by right here when you get back, screening the movie Rudy for inspiration.

🔗 permalink: Me and my underdog sperm will by right here when you get back, screening the movie Rudy for…

I just want to hug them both. 

Jeremiah was also back, thank goodness. I really enjoy him. When he told Hank and Evan that he’d ask his visiting parents to leave the hospital, I literally laughed out loud because his deadpan delivery was simply perfect.

I loved it when he walked out of the house with the kids and the iguana. It was just too much for him, and I didn’t blame him for a second. 

Speaking of those kids, I’m guessing the aunt is MIA, and they’re basically on their own, so it wouldn’t surprise me if they make another appearance. I’m curious which doctor at HankMed will come to their rescue. I’d love to see Jeremiah find a way to help. 

It’s wonderful to see these old friends back again enjoying the summer sun of the Hamptons. Something tells me that much like the summer, Royal Pains season 8 is going to fly by much too quickly.

Let me know who is your favorite member of HankMed, and check back next Wednesday for my review of Royal Pains Season 8 Episode 2. 

If you can’t wait for more, you can watch Royal Pains online here at TV Fanatic.

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