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S.W.A.T. Season 6 Episode 4 Recap: Maniak

  • Street and Hondo, along with a bunch of other cops, are at a deserted spot in the mountains where a convicted killer, Roman, buried a body, and Street spots the wife of a deceased, Odette.
  • Hondo's ex Nia is there as moral support as she was close to the wife. She tells him that she tried to make it work with a guy named Eric, but it failed once again. She was thinking the two of them get together, and Hondo breaks the news that he's in a committed relationship and is expecting.
  • Hicks tells Nichelle that the COPE program is to be fully funded by the city but under the LAPD's umbrella. And if she denies it, she's out. Nichelle wonders where the inspector general's office is.
  • Street brings up Nia but Hondo doesn't say much more.
  • Hondo's feeling uneasy about the whole situation with Roman, and a helicopter finds them, but it's no news chopper. The cops take cover as there's a shootout, and Roman gets away.
  • The team find an address of a nightclub that was owned by Roman, and Roman was looking for a guy, Andrew.
  • Street's buddy from Long Beach PD took the open spot on Rocker's team, but Street doesn't take the news lightly.
  • Street talks to Hicks about Miguel Alfaro and how he wrote a letter about it, but Hicks was looking at it more like bad blood. He's a special case like Street was.
  • Deacon tracks down a spa owned by Roman that still has some of his stuff.
  • Hondo and Nia catch up, and Nia brings up how Hondo said he didn't want to have a kid because he still has so much baggage, but Hondo promises it was all cool.
  • There's a call on the radio for shots fired, and it's at one of the spots on the list. Tan and Cabrera get to a pawn shop, and there's a shootout, and Roman's brand from the army is spotted on one of the guys. The guy says Roman's daughter took all of it. But he's not willing to talk.
  • Cabrera tells Luca and Street about Roman's daughter.
  • Hondo talks to Street about Alfaro, and Street says they were in the Academy together and were at Long Beach. While he doesn't say what happened, Hondo knows he's come a long way since then and he shouldn't let it bring him down.
  • Luca interrogates Amber, Roman's daughter, before she has a chance to leave HQ, and she admits that she's Roman's daughter, but she never really told anyone.
  • She overheard Roman say he ripped off a jewel thief and hid the diamonds in a false bottom. But they're not there, and she doesn't know where they are. But Roman thinks she does have them and he's going to murder her.
  • Nichelle meets with the inspector general, and the inspector general offers her a job as a cop auditor.
  • Roman calls Amber, and Deacon and Hondo listen in. Amber tells him she has the diamonds, but Roman doesn't trust her. She admits she doesn't have them. Hondo talks to Roman and tells him he's going back to prison, but he's not scared. He hangs up.
  • Street and Alfaro are at Odette's house as she's packing up her things, trying to get more information, though there's still a bit of a rift between the two of them. Street asks how Lee ended up driving for Roman, and it was more so that it was just another job; he didn't know about the criminal background.
  • Cabrera figures that if they discover who stole the diamonds, they could use that to bring in Roman. She and Tan listen to a voicemail left by Lee two days before he was killed. He started having second thoughts, and it's found out he hid the diamonds. Meanwhile, at Odette's, Alfaro confronts Street about the letter since Rocker heard about it. It's revealed that Alfaro complained that Street was a dirty cop, and he brings up Nate, and he was a scumbag. The two start fighting but find Roman's diamonds in the jacket.
  • Roman pulls up to the house, and Nia is by her truck, trying to stay hidden. 20-Squad pulls up just as Nia is taken, and one of Roman's guys holds a gun to her head.
  • Tan shoots the guy dead, and Hondo runs up to Nia, comforting her.
  • Roman drives off on a motorcycle, and Street follows. Roman flies off a hill, and the squad catches up to him.
  • Hondo meets with Alfaro and stands up for Street.
  • Nia apologizes to Hondo for what she said earlier, knowing that after what just happened has her thinking a lot differently.
  • At HQ, Street tells Alfaro it was a mistake to hit him, and Alfaro apologizes for what he did in Long Beach and for what he said about Nate. The two make up, and things seem to be going good.
  • Deacon talks to Hondo about what Nia said, and Hondo says he and Nichelle are excited to bring their daughter into the world, but he's worried. Deacon tells Hondo he's going to be a great dad. He's a natural.
  • Nichelle decides to take the inspector general's job offer since she'll be doing a lot of help, and not just with COPE.

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