Harlee blames herself for Nava’s death. Wozniak swears he’ll make this right, but Harlee says nothing will. The fingerprints at the scene lead to a man Nava prosecuted for assault who just got out of prison after five years. When Woz and the team find him, he’s dead, hanging from his own belt.
Even though it’s obviously a staged suicide, Wozniak tells his team to call it suicide and keep the truth from Harlee but the rest of the team isn’t happy about it. Woz tries to convince Harlee that she’s being paranoid because of what happened with Stahl.
Harlee tells Agent Gail Baker that she saw Stahl in the subway but they just think it’s her PTSD.
A girl at school taunts Kristina about all of the problems Harlee has had. When she pushes too far, Kristina beats her up. When the school wants to suspend Kristina, Harlee defends her but later tells Kristina that this school could open any door for her but if she can’t restrain herself long enough to walk away from some entitled bitch then she’s throwing that future away.
At the morgue, Harlee turns on Nava’s cell phone and it sends her the text he was in the middle of sending. #1245337.
Cole meets with Harlee and tells her that Ramsay was working with Morris and Orlando to smuggle illegal cargo through the docks, but they were turning evidence over to Internal Affairs. Ramsay needed Orlando because he knew the number of the shipping container. He didn’t mean to have Orlando killed but things went badly when Nava tried to save him and they both ended up dead.
Harlee realizes the number Nava was sending her was the ID on the shipping container. She gets a warrant and she and Loman open the container only to find it empty. Harlee has a breakdown in front of Loman.
Later, Cole meets Harlee and he has Quince. Cole tells Harlee that Wozniak gave Ramsay information about the container. Then he shoots Quince in front of Harlee and tells her to deliver him to Wozniak because that’s what Ramsay told him to do.
Tufo and Tess have been protecting fences delivering a product (they don’t know what the product is) for bags of cash. One of the runners is killed and Tess is beaten for one of the bags of cash. Later, she and the team hunt down the fence, Handle, looking for his stolen money. He makes fun of Woz for having been shot by a child and questions Woz’s power on the street. He says Quince is still out there laughing at him.
Woz is upset that Ramsay had Quince killed instead of letting him do it himself. Woz and Tess take Quince body and stage it on a bench, then they “kill” Quince in front of Handle to show him just how much power Woz still wields.