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Shadow and Bone Season 2 Episode 5 Recap: Yuyeh Sesh (Despise Your Heart)

Kirigan arrives home to see all of his experiments trashed.

He enters Alina's dream, but he seems weaker and unable to affect.

Kirigan is still obsessed with hunting down Alina.

Alina searches for Mal in the tunnels, but she can't find him. Nikolai is saf, and Adrick gets his arm cut off.

Nikolai convinces Alina to take a breath, and keep her demons at bay.

Young Kaz wakes up in a sea of floating dead bodies, and refular Kaz awakes from the dream.

Wylan and Jesper wake up in bed together, but Kaz interrupts.

Tolya and Zoya recruit The Crows to retrive the blade from Shu.

Jesper and Nina help Inej, and let her in on all the information about their job.

Genya and Baghra arrive in the undergournd tunnels.

Alina husg Genya, and they both almost cry.

Nikolai wants to arrest Genya, but Alina defends her.

Nina reveals that she speaks some Shu.

Inej reveals that she's going on the mission, but not for Kaz, for Saint Alina.

Wylan may not be able to read, and Jesper says something expensive.

Genya assists in the healing of the wounded.

Genya is mad at David.

Queen Tatiana sees Genya, wants to arrest her.

Nikolai defends Genya. Nikolai apologizes on behald of all of Ravka, but Genya just wants him to right the wrongs of past kings.

The Crows arrive in Shu with Tolya and Zoya.

Kaz, Nina, and Inej make their way to the tea shop.

Genya and David make up, and they share a kiss.

Tolya tries to help Jesper with Wylan.

Nina and Kaz meet with tea shop owner.

The owner refuses to help them, and Kaz bumps into someone, causing him to have flashbacks and a mini panic attack.

Inej takes his gloves and helps him before she leaves to follow the shop owner.

Baghra warns Alina that she musy find a way to block her thoughts of him to prevent his visits in her mind.

Mal finds Nikolai, thankfully.

Alina almost severs the link but Mal distracts her and he ruins the plan.

Mal and Alina have an argument.

Zoya questions everything about Nina.

Pekka arrives at Hellgate and immediately someone (matthias's cellmate starts a fight with him.

Pekka beats the cellmate to near death, and Matthias tries to help him, but he dies.

Alina admits to the projections of Kirigan being closer than she let on.

Alina admits to holding a connection to Kirigan because of her past with him.

Baghra agrees to help Alina find the Firebird.

Nikolai wants to protect (and get rid of) his mother by sending her toa convent.

Alina and Nikolai share a sweet moment, where they both head onto their own missions.

Jesper apologizes to Wylan, and Wylan calls Jesper out for being Grisha.

Wylan no hurt Jesper's feelings.

As Zoya and Nina trail the thief, Nina gets choked by a random assassin.

The crew inside the house gets locked in, and trapped with a toxic gas.

Nina slows her heartbeat for a bit to get Ovhal off her, and pass out.

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