February 26, 2023 | 0 Comments
The mystery surrounding Keith’s disappearance is finally revealed as lives hang in the balance in part two of the all-new two-hour finale.
The mystery surrounding Keith’s disappearance is finally revealed as lives hang in the balance in part two of the all-new two-hour finale.
When a bride goes missing on her wedding day, Mike and Kemi discover the woman was living a deceptive life; the mystery surrounding Keith’s disappearance starts to unravel as he tells Jason and Nikki more details about his time in captivity.
We finally learn the truth about Keith on Alert: MPU Season 1 Episode 8, while a case with a mentor brings out a whole different side to Mike. Our review!
The Keith mystery takes another sharp turn when Sidney tells her parents the truth about that night on Alert: MPU Season 1 Episode 8. Check out our spoilers and theories!
Sidney, upset that Jason and Nikki don’t believe her claims about Keith, comes clean about the details surrounding the day of his disappearance, causing Jason to cast serious doubt on the boy claiming to be his son. Meanwhile, Mike’s police mentor brings a missing officer’s case to the MPU team.
Emily Kinney pulls double duty with a twin twist on Alert: Missing Persons Unit Season 1 Episode 7, while Syd drops a bombshell about Keith’s disappearance. Our review!
The MPU investigate a missing woman who happens to be a twin while Nikki and Jason deal with different issues with Keith and Sydney. Check out spoilers for Shannon!
Jason and Nikki utilize a twin sister when a missing person case turns into a possible murder investigation. Meanwhile, Kemi helps C with his dating life and Keith gets reckless
The truth behind how Kemi became so spiritual is revealed on Alert: MPU Season 1 Episode 6, while one of their own is hurt in the line of duty. Our review!
Jason and Mike search the Allegheny Mountains to find a missing couple. Meanwhile, Keith joins a trauma therapy group and bonds with another patient.