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Scott and Annie refuse to allow Adam to turn himself in. Annie won't allow him to take any pills and instead, hurries him to the hospital.

David orders Liza to do something to get Amanda away from Jake.

She reminds him that Amanda is an adult. When Ryan claims that one more push should get Adam to confess, Jesse warns him to back off or he'll put him back behind bars. Hearing Adam's in the hospital, Jesse runs out.

David advises Annie and Scott that Adam simply has an elevated heart rate. When they accuse David of giving Adam more of his "special" pills, David grabs the bottle and suggests that these may be a mistake by Jake.

Angie grabs the bottle and vows to find out what the pills are. David later admits to Annie that he swapped the drugs but that Zach and Ryan were also involved.

Kendall's pleased to get another message from Zach but remarks to Aidan that his words seem odd. When Kendall calls Zach for an update, Aidan finds out and smashes the phone, warning Kendall that her mistake will bring the FBI to the church in hours.

He orders her to help him "clean" the abandoned church so it looks like they haven't been there. Zach arrives, gun in hand and lectures Kendall about using the cellphone.

Later, when the FBI agents burst into the church, Zach raises his hands and turns to face them.

Until tomorrow on All My Children ...

All My Children
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