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Diaz goes all out in his attacks on Oliver and the Team Arrow. The team escapes the attack and collect in New Team Arrow's bunker because Green Arrow's bunker has been destroyed. They entrust Oliver with making a deal with Anatoly, who leaks to Oliver team Diaz's next moves. When the ambush fails, Mr. Terrific tries to stop Diaz's escape only to be stabbed in the side. Nevertheless, the ambush wasn't for nothing because it gives Oliver the chance to notice Diaz pay extra attention to a necklace. Diaz realizes his movements have been leaked and airs his suspicions about a mole. Conveniently, Anatoly blames the Quadrant member sent to help Anatoly in Star City. Later, we find out that the necklace is a USB drive with important encoded information. To get the information, Lyla infiltrates the police department where Diaz and his team camp out under the pretense she's investigating Diaz for ARGUS in order to give Felicity the proximity to scan the USB. When Lyla's cover gets blown, the team goes in for cover, and Felicity goes in for her sniffer device against Oliver's wishes. This leads to an argument. Diaz follows Team Arrow to the bunker after killing the Quadrant agent he thought was the mole. Most of the team escapes except Oliver and Felicity because Felicity wants to get all of the information on the drive. This backfires; Oliver and Felicity don't get the information on the drive, but they do get trapped by the smoke. They blow up the building to make it out. Team Arrow recoups, Oliver and Felicity make up, and when Team Arrow asks for Prosecutor Sharp's help to take down Diaz she makes him admit he's the Green Arrow. Diaz recoups from the explosion and immediately takes control of the Quadrant. 

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Arrow Season 6 Episode 22 Quotes

I just wanted one night to remind me of what I'm fighting for.


Cool thing about sound waves, they bounce.

Dinah Drake