"July 29, 2009"

Craig explains her new job to Teri and offers her a gig at Metro. Rosanna worries what Carly will think, but Sage is thrilled to hear that Teri will be the...

"January 9, 2009"

Jack's upset to see Craig's offered her a big check to solve her bank loan problem. Carly offers to turn down the money if he'll give he...

"May 21, 2009"

Craig suggests a solution to the problem with Parker quitting school. He wants to try an intervention at the hospital. Jack agrees but ...

"August 21, 2009"

After arguing with Henry, Barbara calls Paul for help. He says he's called the police about his father. Audrey urges James to consider leaving the country....

"August 25, 2009"

Tom asks Bob why he reinstated Alison. Kim can't believe he would keep her at the hospital after all she has done. Bob isn't absolutely sure of her incompe...

"September 8, 2009"

After injecting James, Audrey watches him collapse to the floor, waits a few seconds and then starts crying hysterically as she reaches out to Henry. As he...

"August 20, 2009"

Paul, Barbara, James, Audrey and Vienna witness James claim he believes Henry is his son. Paul claims he doesn't care about any hidden offshore money and w...

"February 2, 2009"

Admitting she had feelings for Casey, Alison confides to Emily that she was right to try to keep her away from him. Luke stuns Casey wit...

"May 12, 2009"

Hunter tells Erica she keeps making the same "stupid mistakes" with the new website. She's pissed that he calls her stupid. Jade is tot...

"July 20, 2009"

Vienna pulls off Geneva's wig to reveal Henry. He tries to explain things to Vienna. Instead, Vienna storms out as the press hounds Henry for answers. Henr...

As the World Turns Quotes

Noah: You know if I do stay here, I do have one condition
Luke: Oh yeah? Whats that?
Noah: You better not hog all the covers.

Noah: Do you just not like me?
Luke: No, I like you Noah.
Noah: Then why do you keep pushing me away?
Luke: Because...I like you Noah.
Noah looks surprised.
Luke: Yeah, like that.