November 30, 2007 Photograph
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... As the World Turns ...

... Carly assumes Jack sent it when she receives a case of beer and a note reading "all is forgiven." Kit reads the note and explains that the beer is actually from Sam, a man from her past who she kicks out of her life every time he causes problems, which is fairly frequently.

... Just then, Sam arrives at the door and quickly hugs her. Carly urges Kit to get rid of the guy but Kit realizes she can't. Alison poses as a pregnant woman to meet Gary about giving her "baby" up for adoption...

... She spots the hat Sofie knitted in the lawyer's briefcase. Stopping by to report the adoption papers are on their way to the mother, Barbara is touched to see the ornament on Gwen and Will's tree. Claiming she trusts her now, Gwen thanks her for helping but Barbara's guilt increases...

... Cole calls Barbara to report he's taken Sofie to the hospital because of her contractions. Barbara learns Sofie is having a girl and returns to tell a thrilled Gwen and Will. As Aaron secretly listens, the doctor tells Cole that Sofie can't travel in her condition...

... Hearing Cole pressure the doctor to induce labor so he can leave town, Aaron punches him. Alison approaches Will and Gwen about the adoption...

... Margo urges Jack to leave Katie alone. Realizing the single rose he sent failed to appease her, Brad's upset when Katie wants nothing to do with him except on a professional basis...

... Later, Brad boasts to Katie that he bought the house Katie and Jack were going to own and offers to fill it with their babies...

... Until As the World Turns returns next week ...

As the World Turns
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