July 29, 2016 | 0 Comments
Jon Huertas gets his first role after the end of ABC’s Castle and heads over to NBC’s This Is Us this fall. Read on to find out more on his move!
Jon Huertas gets his first role after the end of ABC’s Castle and heads over to NBC’s This Is Us this fall. Read on to find out more on his move!
Susan Sullivan shares her thoughts on the end of Castle, her role in Steel Magnolias and why she uses Twitter to share her unsolicited advice with fans.
Our Castle Round Table team debates the LokSat conclusion, if they’d watch a spin off and whether Castle Season 8 Episode 22 was a satisfying series finale.
On Castle Season 8 Episode 22, Castle and Beckett find their lives in jeopardy as they attempt to take down LokSat for good on the series finale.
With fans crying foul after the outster of Stana Katic’s Kate Beckett and the probably demise of the Caskett love story, ABC chooses to cancel Castle!
Our Castle Round Tableteam debates the timing of this spooky installment, Hayley and Alexis’ future and why Castle didn’t open that safe on “Hell to Pay.”
With the future of Castle hanging in the balance it appears that ABC has signed on Jon Huertas who plays Det. Javier Esposito to a possible season 9.
On Castle Season 8 Episode 21, an axe-wielding, escaped inmate turns up dead, and the investigation leads Castle to suspect it could be the work of the Antichrist.
Our Castle Round Tabledebates date night plans, Martha’s life coaching advice and their not so favorite Firefly guest stars after Castle Season 8 Episode 21.
On Castle Season 8 Episode 20, when a movie star turned theater actor is killed, Castle and Beckett learn he had a nefarious reason for choosing Shakespeare.