Chasing Life News

Chasing Life Review: Truth is Hard

Chasing Life Review: Truth is Hard

April misses an opportunity on Chasing Life, but can another make up for it? Brenna learns about Natalia Ortiz, which sends her into Greer's arms. Read the review for more.
Posted in: Chasing Life
Chasing Life Review: Help Wanted

Chasing Life Review: Help Wanted

On Chasing Life, George and Beth try to get April on board with her health while her familly tries to get back what they had before her father died. Read the review for more.
Posted in: Chasing Life

Chasing Life Quotes

April: I have leukemia.
Beth: Hilarious. Seriously, what's up?
April. No. Seriously. I have leukemia.

Dominic: So, no secret boyfriend.
April: No.
Dominic: You're just sleeping with your uncle?
April: Yes.
Dominic: That's fine!