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  • Trudy observes that something is up on the unit and tells Voight that he isn't alone and he should talk to her.
  • Atwater and Ruzek go undercover to get drugs.
  • It goes south when people come in and shoot up the place and steal the drugs leading to a shootout and escape.
  • Halstead notices the same girl from the morning at a chop shop lead.
  • Voight shows up at his house and Anna, the woman Halstead noticed earlier is waiting for him outside.
  • She is an active CI and has a tip for Voight, but she doesn't want to be visible and go on the stand.
  • Voight agrees to work with Anna who is in deep with the Latin gang that they're looking for and who is involved with the drugs.
  • She's sleeping with Louis, their suspect who hit up the place.
  • She gives them a heads up about Luis hitting up a another spot but after sitting on it, nothing happens. She calls them giving them a new location,and they get there as Luis and his crew are leaving again. Another shootout happens.
  • Halstead suspects Anna is giving Voight false information.
  • Voight meets up with Anna to confront her.
  • Anna and Voight talk and he asseses that she's legitimate. Halstead has reservations.
  • They send Anna in  wired to get information from Luis. Luis starts thinking that someone is talking to the cops and pulls a gun out threatening to shoot one of his colleagues and then Anna. She tals him down but Jay gets antsy thinking that it's about to go south.
  • Voight wants to wait until Anna uses the safe word, but Halstead doesn't wait and goesin to break things up.
  • Luis notices something between Voight and Anna.
  • Halstead tells Voight that Anna is unreliable but doesn't have any other ideas when Voight asks him for his alternatives.
  • Hailey confronts Jay about his behavior and why he also isn't looking or talking to her much. She takes accountability for her role in things.
  • THey get a judge to make things official for Anna and get her statement.
  • They find Pablo's body in a dumpster. Luis killed him assuming he was the one snitching to the cops and is tying up loose ends.
  • They show up to case the place to catch Luis, but Anna is there even though she isn't supposed to be.
  • She prompts Luis to hit her when she's in the car, and that gets them enough to pull them over and check for drugs. They find them and arrest Luis.
  • Halstead suspects the drugs were planted. He talks to Voight about it and they have it out.
  • Voight talks to Anna and makes things official after reprimanding her for planting the evidence. He meets her kid, and they talk about family. It was Justin's birthday.
Chicago PD
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Chicago PD Season 9 Episode 7 Quotes

Voight: How are you getting your intel?
Anna: I hacked Luis' phone. I didn't want to tell you because it's illegal.

Voight: What the hell are you doing?
Anna: Looking for you.