August 10, 2007 Photo
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Though E.J. pushes Sami to forget about the locked truck and leave with him, a shivering Lucas manages to turn on the recorder so that Sami can hear the voice calling out for help. Sami angrily demands that E.J. help her. He does and eventually pulls Lucas out to the warm air.

Episode Guide

After Lucas (Bryan Datillo) is rushed to the hospital, Sami thanks E.J. but admits that she doesn't think she'll ever be able to trust him. E.J. claims Andre must have done this. Shawn's amazed when Belle shows him the check John gave her for her tuition this year. He assures her that he's in favor of her going to school but he's shocked when she admits that Philip bought her the new clothes she claimed came from Marlena.

Belle (Martha Madison) is surprised when he suggests she keep the gifts but Shawn convinces her that Philip is still trying to win her and Claire back. Shawn then confesses he went to Indianapolis, not Cleveland, and saw Mimi.

He explains her incarcerated mother Bonnie was getting harassing phone calls and adds that Lauren never terminated the pregnancy, thanks to Bonnie. He confronted Lauren and when he saw no baby, he gave her Philip's phone number and told her to leave Bonnie alone.

Philip and Billie find an apartment rented by a woman named Selena Doyle. Billie picks the lock and inside, she recognizes items from the photo. Billie then finds a little teddy bear. As Philip stews, Billie spots a photo ID and Philip tells her all about Lauren the surrogate.

He calls the police and after they explain the situation to the officers, Billie finds a used bib and tells Philip they can test the DNA on it to see if the baby is his. Philip thinks that Shawn is behind this.


Kayla admires a baby left at the hospital with a note asking someone to take care of it. Later, Kayla impulsively offers to take care of the infant. Lauren returns to her apartment but runs when she sees Philip and Billie.

Days of Our Lives
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