Grandpa Cliff - Doom Patrol
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In a foggy forest, Holly and Lloyd build a big birdcage. They have many flyers with the Dada symbol to distribute.

In his room, Larry vomits up a big larva, then passes out. a flyer appears and lands on him.

Victor meets with an old friend of his mom's about synthetic skin. She recommends he talk to someone he loves about the decision to remove all his cyber tech.

Jane is freaking out on Cliff for selling her record collection when she starts to choke. She pulls a scarf out of her mouth with the Dada symbol on it. Cliff's shirt now also has the logo on it.

Rouge arrives to rally the troops, but Jane isn't interested.

When Cliff admits he also sold the Cher work-out tapes, Flit emerges and transports Cliff to his daughter's house and leaves him there.

In 1949, The Bureau of Oddities is now the Bureau of Normalcy, and Laura/Rouge is interviewing Wally Sage for recruitment. When asked what he is, he demonstrates that he can turn drawings into real things. Laura deems him a weapon, to his concern. Rita's in the room and worries about him. She invites Laura to the salon who has been absent from their gatherings. On her way out, Rita slips a paper into Laura's portfolio.

Rita and Malcolm meet in the hall to discuss Laura. A passing soldier notes them holding each other's hand.

Rouge knocks on Larry's door. She notices the larva through the window. She hypothesizes it's a space parasite and advises that he burn it.

Jane finds Kay crying. Kay says her bike's been stolen and she never wants to go up to the surface again.

Cliff's holding Rory when Melissa notices that his tremor is back. Clara accepts Cliff's offer to watch Rory so the women can have some alone time. Clara leaves Cliff with a credit card for emergencies.

Holly's building another device in the woods.

Larry takes the larva out to the woods in a duffel. He sets it up with a sandwich, water, and a scarf, notes the weird smoke filling the woods, and then heads home, leaving the shivering larva in the open duffel.

Roni's prepping supplies in the woods when Vic contacts her. He tells her he's thinking about having his tech removed. She argues he shouldn't.

Cliff is a little overwhelmed taking care of Rory but manages not to use the credit card for his online addictions before Clara and Melissa return.

Clara mentions that the fog is being reported on. Cliff promises to keep them safe.

Jane demands that the bike be returned. Harrison insists that Kay is better safe than risking danger up on the surface.

Rouge tries to leave the mansion but is caught in a spatial loop.

In 1949, Laura sits alone in the cafeteria when a coworker enters. He accuses her of protecting her friends when they could be weaponized. After he leaves, she throws her portfolio and the invitation from Rita drops out.

In the salon, Rita and Malcolm perform their new number but the rest of the Dadas are unimpressed. They are tired of watching the world go be. Quiz, Holly, and Lloyd want to put their powers to use to make a difference. The Sisterhood decide to trigger the Eternal Flagellation.

In the woods, in a nest, Quiz sits, masked, and screams, "It's TIME!"

Vic is about to go under for the procedure and notices the Dada logo on the screen.

Jane brings Kay new shoes and tries to tell her that the bike was lost. Kay calls bullshit and slams the door on Jane.

The fog pours into Kay's mind house.

Cliff's in the garage where he's used Clara's credit card to reconnect with his online girlfriend, Ginger. The fog seeps into the garage and he's suddenly restrained by an invisible force.

Vic's limbs are grabbed and Jane's immersed in the fog.

All three reappear in a room together. It is the Dada's salon but rundown and derelict now. All three start to freak out a little.

Rouge is trying to seal the mansion when Larry walks in, leaving the door open. The fog gets in before Rouge can close it.

In 1949, Laura joins the Dadas as they plan. The Dadas tell her they're finally doing the Eternal Flagellation and begin to demonstrate a group choreography.

Rouge and Larry appear in the salon with the others. Everyone except Rouge is puppeted through the movements of a dance.

Rouge's memories start to return. In 1949, as the Dadas danced, she brought Bureau troops in to apprehend them. She was forced to deem them all weapons. In the present, she moves through the motions with the Doom Patrol team members.

When Malcolm appears to stand up for Rita, the order is given and he is zapped by one of the soldiers, killing him. Rita reaches into his heart cavity where the bird lies dead and removes the heart paperclip she'd hung there. Looking at Rouge, she blobbifys and escapes.

In the present, a person wearing Malcolm's mask stands in front of Rouge. Rita removes her mask to confront Rouge. She lets the Dadas know Rouge is ready and they are all transported to a clearing in the woods.

There is an egg in the cage and it hatches a winged face with a resemblance to Malcolm.

Rouge is given a chance to open the cage but she refuses. Rita does instead and the Malcolm-bird flies out, followed by a never-ending flock of birds. Rouge turns into one and flies off with the flock.

The Dadas disappear.

One bird flies straight at Larry and he zaps out of existence. One by one, the other Doom Patrol members are zapped too.

Doom Patrol
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Doom Patrol Season 3 Episode 7 Quotes

She saved all of our souls once upon a time. Maybe it's our turn to save hers.


Rita: I'm a little worried about her, if I'm being honest. Lately, she just seems so...
Malcolm: Sour? She's been sour for fifteen years.
Rita: It's her job. That sort of work just has to weigh on a person's soul.
Malcolm: Yeah, if she still has one.