April 24, 2023 | 0 Comments
Regina: She’s claiming self-defense. A good prosecutor could poke holes in it. Suarez: But would they want to?
Regina: She’s claiming self-defense. A good prosecutor could poke holes in it. Suarez: But would they want to?
Wexler: You have what you need to make an arrest, detectives? Killian: No sir. We do not. Wexler: Then I am going back to enjoying my…
Sarah: Look, I’ve made mistakes, but I wouldn’t think of spending the rest of my life with someone who was doing the things she claimed…
Farris: That’s insane. No judge would authorize such a broad warrant. Suarez: An ADA has been killed, Mr. Farris. Judges are willing to…
Sandeford: At the time I asked Tamika to marry me, I was all in, but I have to admit that now that I am asking people to stand up for me…
Farris: I have to preserve my clients’ confidentiality. If I’m being elusive, I don’t have much of a choice.
Sandeford: Detectives come after the fact. They try to find out who did what and who’s lying and telling the truth. I prefer to be in the…
Sanderford: Maybe she had a eecret life. Bentley: What kind of secret life? Sandeford: The kind she wanted kept secret. Detectives will…
Paul: As prosecutors, we’re used to dealing with other people’s tragedies. But this time it’s one of ours.
Jones: Hey prosecutor lady, did Chantel ask you for that protective order? Diane: I don’t have to talk to you. Jones: Why didn’t you ask…