On God Friended Me Season 2 Episode 15, Miles befriends Anna, a terminally ill woman trying to complete her bucket list before she dies. Are they successful?


On God Friended Me Season 2 Episode 15, Miles helps Anna, a terminally ill woman, realize there's more to life than completing a bucket list. Cara and Rakesh team up to find out more about the God Account's identity.

Episode Details

On God Friended Me Season 2 Episode 15, as Ali begins chemotherapy, Miles is tries to convince Anna there is more to live for than completing her bucket list.

Rating: 4.7 / 5.0 (13 Votes)
God Friended Me
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God Friended Me Season 2 Episode 15 Quotes

Miles: That's why you got back on the bike. Life's too short.
Anna: In my case, literally. What's the point of a terminal illness if you don't have a bucket list, right?

Miles: To save her life, you're telling me I'm supposed to help her find God?
Arthur: Why not?