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Jack thanks Hannibal for being such a good friend by not allowing Bella to die. Freddie Lounds heads back to the observatory with a gun in hand, and finds a body. Freddie warns Jack to send someone else because she is one of his. Jack find Beverly in pieces and encased in glass. Jack and Alana inform Will of the tragic turn of events, and Will tells the two of them he wants to see her. 

Jack leaves Will alone with Beverly's body, and Will continues to have visions of her. Beverly tells Will to interpret the evidence. Will interprets the evidence by deducing that Beverly is strangled to death. Beverly knows her killer and the killer know Beverly. Her body is frozen to preserve it's shape and form to be dismantled to be cut. She is then assembled at the crime scene. Will has visions of the stag again, and wonders what is taken from Beverly. 

Will tells Jack that Beverly helped him see the connection between the copycat killer and the ripper, and Jack asks Will to help him see it too. Will says she found something. Jack asks who it is, but Will just tells him that Beverly made her own connection to the ripper and so does he. 

Will and Frederick discuss the ripper. Frederick tells Will that the ripper is a well educated, socially competent man and has surgical experience. Will says it's a shame that they can't talk to Abel Gideon; that it would be a shame for him not to catch the ripper. Frederick puts Will and Abel together in "group therapy." Will wonders why he would protect him.  

Hannibal and Frederick meet again. Hannibal tells Frederick that neither will get anywhere by exposing the other's misdeeds. He says that he's trying to put Will back on a path to rebuild his brain since Hannibal broke it. Hannibal asks to interview Abel Gideon. Will asks Freddie Lounds to interview her. He tells her that he wants to open a line of communication up with the Courtroom Killer, and she says she will do so for exclusive rights to his story. Will finds that an orderly as the hospital did the courtroom killings after he confesses his admiration. 

Will asks the orderly to kill Hannibal Lecter as Gideon listens in in the cell next to WIll's. Will dreams of antler's piercing his black. Alana comes to visit about Freddie Lounds. Alana visits with Gideon, and Gideon tells her that WIll is about to do something he won't come back from. THe orderly flashes catches and tranquillizes Hannibal. Alana and Jack search for Hannibal and save him from the orderly.

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