"Strange Attractors"

Sylar continues to cause problems this week for Parkman. The name of the episode is "Strange Attractors."

"Once Upon A Time In Texas"

Hiro takes a trip into the past this week. The episode is titled "Once Upon A Time In Texas."

"Tabula Rasa"

This is the sixth episode of Heroes' fourth season. We've got a full recap of events.

"Hysterical Blindness"

There are new additions to Samuel's family on this episode of Heroes. It's titled "Hysterical Blindness."


Following the two hour premiere of Heroes season four, this is considered the volume's fourth episode. It's titled "Acceptance."


This is the second episode of Heroes' fourth season. Read on for a full, detailed recap.


Welcome to season four of Heroes. A new carnival of ability-laden people are introduced in this episode.

"An Invisible Thread"

Welcome to the season finale of Heroes. It's titled "An Invisible Thread."

"I Am Sylar"

Sylar is the main focus of this Heroes episode. It's the second to last installment of season three.


This episode of Heroes focuses on Angela Petrelli. Ready to learn a lot about her past?

Heroes Quotes

You are not faster than me, nemesis.


Only together can we be the stewards of our own destiny.


Heroes Music

  Song Artist
Song Road to Joy Bright Eyes
Song Mustang Sally Wilson Pickett
Song I Want It That Way Backstreet Boys