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Bucky informs Rayna that she needs to get back out there because the media is spreading rumors about her whereabouts. She freaks out about her history with Deacon just as she's about to sing at The Bluebird. Rayna has a heart to heart with Maddie and they write a song together. The two of them (and Daphne) sing the new song at The Bluebird.

Deacon's sister, Beverly, shows up at Scarlett's request. However, Beverly is shocked when she finds out she was only called to see if she was a match for Deacon's liver. After initially refusing, she gets the test. Awaiting the results, the three of them bond and sing. After getting a call from the doctor, Beverly tells them she wasn't a match. Later, Scarlett reveals she followed up with the doctor and discovered Beverly lied. She is a match, but doesn't want to be responsible for saving Deacon's life. Scarlett tells her to leave.

Jeff scrambles to try to find his next star because he's under a lot of pressure. He tries to convince Teddy numerous times to give his permission to sign Maddie to the label. Eventually, Jeff blackmails Teddy into signing with the information about the hooker Teddy was involved with.

Gunnar goes to visit Micah, who's been acting up ever since learning about his dad's troublemaker history. Gunnar tells Micah stories that present Jason in a good light. 

Juliette struggles with pregnancy boredom and goes back to the studio. Her voice isn't the same since she can't control her breath due to the baby. Avery reassures her she will be even better once the baby is born. 

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Nashville Season 3 Episode 12 Quotes

Uh, touch my caramels and "Imma" cut a bitch. Love you.


There's no doubt in my mind that having this baby is just going to give you [Juliette] more to say.
