Tracking Reality - Shining Girls
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Young Kirby Mazrachi is playing with a bee on her front stoop, pretending it's an animal in the circus.

Harper Curtis sits down with her, dewinging the pee and giving Kirby a little pegasus, asking her to hold onto it until he comes back. She says no, but he knows she'll take it. She always does.

Adult Kirby is writing in her diary. She's noting everything around her. The color of her scissors, her cat's name, Grendel. She hides the book under her mattress.

Kirby's mom, Rachel, is packing items for Kirby for a move to Florida. She won't hold her room she tells Kirby. Kirby rolls her eyes and tosses money on the counter. Buy cat food if you go out.

Kirby works at the Chicago Sun Times, pulling clips and records for reporters who make requests without bothering to learn her name.

Dan Velazquez is trotting through town barefoot. He's on his way to what appears to be a sewage tunnel. He's got a nose for news and wonders why the tunnels are clear for the first time in 50 years. He's sent on his way with out explanation.

When Kirby returns to the office, it has changed. Someone else is at her computer, the cup catching drops different than hers. The guy at her desk wonders if she's serious, and points her to another desk across the room. Once she's there, Kirby recognizes her things -- her blue scissors and her mug. But she's confused.

Dan is meeting with his editor, Abby, who wants him to start one story before starting another. When another man enters the office, Dan admits that a body was found in the tunnels by city workers. Julia Madrigal went missing two years ago. Ultimately, Abby tosses his notes at him and tells him to run with it.

A police detective has been calling Kirby at work. She asks him not to. It's been six years since he last called. What does he expect. He tells her about Julia, wondering if she knew her. He says there are similarities between the murder and Kirby's assault, and they have a suspect. She looks at the photos and can't pick him out. She has never been able to recall his face, but she can recall his voice. He could be anybody, and the thought clearly rattles Kirby. All she recalls is his voice when he called her a whore.

Kirby arrives home to her mother entertaining a gentleman caller. Her room is different.

There's a shuttered dilapitated house where Harper is pounding his way out of a shuttered door. At the same time, there is banging on Kirby's door, frightening her. It's her dog, Grendel. Her reality is shifting, and it seems to be associated with Harper.

Jin-Sook "Jinny" is on her way to the planetarium where she works. She's a little late, so the kids are already downstairs. They're scientists.

On her desk, Jinny sees a dead, wingless bee. She pushes it into the trash.

Dan checks in with a cop about Julia. The cop says that they have Pawel Banic in custody. Julia was a social worker, and Pavel was her patient.

Marcus says hi to Kirby at her desk, listening to her music. She says she liked his outtakes, and he pulls his camera to the fore and snaps her photo.

Later, someone looks over Kirby's shoulder, spotting clips about Julia on her desk. They alert Dan, who wonders if they're for Bertie. She says yes.

Jinny is on the planetarium's roof having a cigarette. She takes a look at the telescope, and the door closes behind her. Shit.

There's a red umbrella on the ledge. She picks it up just as it starts to rain, feeling unsettled.

While delivering clips, Kirby takes Dan's notes, discovering the suspect's name. She visits his home, and when invited inside, she hopes he can come out to talk. She steps gingerly inside, pulling a knife from her pocket for protection.

Pawel sneaks up behind her. He's holding a baby talking about "her" liking the white noise. Kirby wonders why he's speaking like that. His voice isn't what she remembered. Freaked out, she darts out of the house and runs into Dan.

After Kirby reveals that he can't fire her because she's moving to Floriday, they talk about why Kirby is interested in the case. Dan doesn't let it get to him, instead teasing Kirby about choosing a city without a beach and then continuing the discussion.

Jinny has lunch while watching a planetarium presentation. Harper is sitting several rows behind her, moving closer as the crowd disperses.

Harper tries telling Jinny about dying stars, but she corrects him, and he nervously laughs it off.

It's an awkward encounter for both of them.

Dan takes Kirby to see his friend, Iris, a medical examiner. Iris offers her some M&Ms and rolls over a seat to chat with Kirby.

They're talking about the assault, and Iris wants to see Kirby's scar tissue, but Kirby is uncomfortable and reluctant. Placing sheets on an autopsy table for Iris to inspect them doesn't help.

Iris asks clinical questions which reveal he was interrupted and part of her intestines were taken outside of her body. And something else was left inside. As she asks if something was left in Julia's body, Iris's hands change. Now, it's a man, which entirely upends what little progress Kirby made with the examiner.

Howard is the medical examiner. She's asking about Iris as Dan tries to understand. He can't understand, but he takes it seriously.

Kirby arrives home. There's music blastine from inside the apartment, 2B, and Rachel is singing at the top of her lungs.

Kirby wants her word to be enough that Dan will use it for his story. He says no, but once he's in an editorial meeting, he reveals that he's pursuing another suspect, a possible serial offender from a source who may or may not be reliable.

Kirby approaches home and Harper spies on Jinny at a planetarium function.

He's angry, running through the grass, eventually entering another building and going inside.

Jinny is using the rotating telescope when Harper jumps her from behind. She fights back, but he's got a knife. He plunges it into her.

Kirby pounds on 2B, screaming for her mom to let her in. When the door opens, it's not Kirby's. An old man answers. She's got the wrong apartment.

Kirby's reality has changed again. She pulls out her wallet and looks at her ID. She lives upstairs, so she slowly begins the climb to 3B.

Her key works in the lock. There's music playing. The apartment is a step above where she lived previously. Her cat Grendel is there. And so is Marcus. He crosses the room to hug and comfort her. Nothing is wrong, she says, I just came home.

Shining Girls
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Shining Girls Season 1 Episode 1 Quotes

Kirby: The detective who was on my case, he called me in. Doesn't matter. It's- I thought it did, but it doesn't.
Dan: He called you in for what?
Kirby: He thought it was the same guy.
Dan: What someone did to Julia, they tried to do to you?
Kirby: It was six years ago.

First we find its shine, and then we take it away.
