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By Becca Newton

Liz: I’m sorry. I hate getting people in trouble when they don’t deserve it. Jimmy: And when they do deserve it? Liz: Well, that’s my…

By Becca Newton

Jimmy: Where should we start? Sean: Why do we come all the way here when we can just talk at home? Jimmy: Sean, my notebook’s here.

By Becca Newton

Paul: Is attorney-client privilege only for criminal lawyers, or is it for pretend lawyers as well? Brian: Estate law is real law. I’m a…

By Becca Newton

Jimmy: It’s pissing me off. Paul: Makes sense, divorce is always hardest on the coworkers.

By Becca Newton

Alice: If we have dinner right now, he just act like a total idiot. Paul: He might; he often does.

By Becca Newton

Julie: Do you remember that we had a talk about eating healthier. Paul: I do. I ignored it.

By Becca Newton

Brian: Let’s get drinks tonight. We can invite Gaby. I didn’t get to see her too much when you cut me out for being too kind and…

By Becca Newton

Jimmy: Gaby wants me to go to her divorce party tonight. Paul: So? Jimmy: I don’t wanna — feels false. Paul: I can assure you Gaby is…

By Becca Newton

Paul: So did you do it? Did you have dinner with your dad? Alice: If we have dinner right now, he’ll just act like a total idiot. Paul:…