January 30, 2023 | 0 Comments
Julie: Do you remember that talk we had about eating healthier? Paul: I do. I ignored it.
Julie: Do you remember that talk we had about eating healthier? Paul: I do. I ignored it.
Brian: Let’s get drinks tonight. We can invite Gaby. I didn’t get to see her much when you cut me out of your life for being being too…
Jimmy: So not a fun talk? Paul: Not for you.
Brian: I’m a goddamn ray of light. I am human Zoloft.
Paul: You know who the most important person in your life is right now? Jimmy: You. Paul: No, you s**thead, your daughter. Jimmy: Right,…
Brian: How do I look? Charlie: Great, it’s just a phone call.
Jimmy: I’m starting to lose hope. Paul: Well, it’s understandable, you’ve been trying this approach for almost ten minutes.
Jimmy: I guess one thing led to another. Like there’s no way I’d make Sean fight cage matches if I hadn’t already forced Grace to leave…
Jimmy: I’m going to take a bath. I moved the TV in there so I can watch movies.
Gaby: Do you know what percentage of yourself is actually water? Paul: I know what percentage of me doesn’t give a s**t.