November 10, 2021 | 0 Comments
Alex: It’s my daughter Kara! My daughter. I would risk the world rather than lose her. If paying his ransom puts my little girl back in…
Alex: It’s my daughter Kara! My daughter. I would risk the world rather than lose her. If paying his ransom puts my little girl back in…
Lillian: I need to tell you that I knew. I knew what your mother was. I knew what you are. Lena: You knew?
Mitch: I’m done with toxic relationships. I’m with them now.
Brainy: You’ll be in my dreams, Nia. You’ll always be the girl of my dreams. I love you, Nia Nal.
Kara: Doing both will always require me to lie about who I am and where I’m going. Who am I now? Everyone is so empowered and I feel less…
Brainy: I love you, Nia. I love you more than I’ve ever loved anything. I’ve devoted my entire life to the pursuit of protecting people…
J’onn: Kelly is Alex’s missing puzzle piece. They complement each other. In each other’s company, they find balance.
Kelly: That’s the day I knew without any doubt that I couldn’t live another day without you.
Alex: I wasn’t really me until I found you. You are my truth. You and Esme have created a life for me that I never dreamt would be…
Winn: Look at us, we’ve come so far since then.