September 11, 2021 | 0 Comments
Susan: Who ya gonna call?
Susan: Who ya gonna call?
Priya’s Mom: That girl has never been a prima ballerina, but ever since they got engaged, she’s been bumping into this and falling down…
Megan: You know, I used to be scared of you. August: Really? That pleases me no end. Megan: That I was scared of you? August: That you no…
Luke: Any clients that they can take from us, we didn’t deserve to keep.
August: I become apprehensive when the words freak and accident are used concurrently.
Luke: Shit waffles!!
August: It seems to be telepathically reading our desires and then leveraging them to keep us here.
Young Luke: Something happens to dad? Middle-aged Luke: Life happens to him, buddy. Death is a part of life. Usually, the quiet part. So,…
Phil: So, this one version of the Roadie supposedly manifests in a large, red, bird-shaped rash on the infected person’s left buttock….
Phil: Where is it, Auggie? Did we get it? August: It rests in pieces.